Create QR code and render it as PNG image in Rails

Shubham Rajput
1 min readMay 8, 2021


A tutorial to create QR code in your Rails application.

What is QR code for website?

QR (Quick Response) codes are a great tool to drive traffic. When someone uses a smartphone to scan your QR code, they are brought directly to any webpage you specify.

For QR code creation and rendering need to follow two simple steps:-

Step 1. Create QR code

Add this line to your application’s Gemfile

gem "rqrcode"

then run bundle install

Run below command to generate QR code

qr_code =“")

qr_as_svg = qr_code.as_svg( color: “000”, shape_rendering: “crispEdges”, module_size:11,
standalone: true,
use_path: true

Now you get the QR code in svg format.

You can display it using below code

<%= raw qr_as_svg.html_safe %>

Step 2. Convert QR code SVG to PNG image

For converting SVG to PNG, we need to add mini_magick gem in gemfile

gem ‘mini_magick’

now use this below code snippet

qr_code_image = { |i| i.format “svg” }

qr_code_image.format “png”

This is how you will get the QR code in PNG format.

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